Not everyone might talk about it, but at least one in six workers experience common mental health problems. We're here to help you ensure that mental health and wellbeing are a priority in your organisation.

If you are worried about a colleague/employee's mental health, see our section on Supporting Someone Else. More information on how Mind Your Head might be able to help can also be found in the Wellness Programme section.

If you would like to know about how you can best support your colleague/employee's through a difficult time in terms of their mental health, our Wellness Together Programme might be of interest.

If you would like more information on our Grubby Hut Sessions, click here.

To speak to a member of our team about how we can support mental health and wellbeing in your organisation, please phone 01595 745035 (office hours) or leave a message in our website contact form.

Other helpful contacts:

NHS 24111
NHS Inform

Surviving suicidal thoughts

Getting help with your suicidal thoughts

Offering support to someone you're worried is suicidal

Lerwick Police101
Community Mental Health Team01595 743006
NHS Shetland01595 743000
Samaritans116 123
Breathing Space0800 83 85 87
HOPELineUK0800 068 41 41